Blowfly Corner
Serves: 4
Prep Time: 10 min. 
Cook Time: 25 min.



Mushrooms finely sliced


Brown onion finely chopped

1 tbsp

Dijon style mustard

1 litre

Chicken stock

1/2 cup

Thickened cream


Salt and Pepper to taste


Finely chopped chives to garnish


  1. Heat a little oil in a large saucepan and cook onions until soft then add mushrooms and cook till tender, about 5 minutes.  
  2. Add mustard then stock slowly while mixing in the mustard and simmer for 15 minutes. 
  3. Reserve about 100 gms of the mushroom then process remainder of soup and return to saucepan before adding balance of mushrooms and stirring in the cream.  
  4. Serve in soup bowls garnished with the chives.