To Club Presidents-Elect, Secretaries-Elect, Foundation Chairs-Elect, Service Projects Chairs-Elect
For Info:  IPDG, DGE, DGN, District Secretary
Dear Rosie,
The District Rotary Foundation Committee is available to support you in your club role over the coming year. 
We will soon open the District Grants process (on 16 June). This allows clubs to access funds from The Rotary Foundation, which are generally provided on a 1:1 basis (although exceptions can be made). Funds are provided after the project has been completed and on reimbursement (although exceptions can be made to this). 
One criterion is that the project makes a difference in the community. This allows for International, Local, Community, or Vocational activity to be captured. It is even better if it can be aligned with an Area of Focus.
This year, we have a regular amount available in District Grants, and I expect all clubs to actively consider options to apply for a Rotary Foundation District Grant. Julie Irwin (RC Victor Harbor) is the Chair-Elect of the 
Rotary Foundation Grants Sub-Committee and will be the liaison for this process. Julie's phone number is 0409 080 051.
Applications will close on 23 August.
One of the qualifications to apply is to attend a Rotary Foundation Training Seminar. We will be holding one on 16 June (4pm) and another on 14 July (1pm) (links below), where one member from each applying club must be in attendance. Please send me an email if your club will be represented. If you are unable to attend these, there will be an online training module available on the district webpage from 16 June also, however, it is preferable for attendance at the Zoom training.
If your club cannot attend, please let me know. I am happy to hold a weeknight session the following week to accommodate the largest number. We may also record one of the weekend sessions for future use for those who cannot join us.
This is a reminder that if you still need to contribute this Rotary year, please do so soon so it can be captured in this year's figures (and it can make an impact as soon as possible). In three years, half of our contribution comes back to the district as District Designated Funds, of which half can be used for district grants.
Thank you,