school hols
- week 2

Monday - chill
Tuesday - pick up Tommaso, drive 4 hrs to Naracoorte.
Stopped on road and saw a real live echidna
Overnight at Caravan Park, dinner at local pub - trying to track down a kangaroo steak!
Wednesday - drive to Kingston, Robe.
Check out Long Beach, Obelisk (still standing, just)
Then a dip at the sailing beach. We avoided the icebergs and penguins...
Back to Naracoorte via Penola
Thursday - day of experiences!
Out to Andrew's cousin's farm. The Vet was pregnancy testing cows! He had an ultrasound probe, and a remote screen.
Then to Naracoorte Caves
- Victoria Fossil Cave
- Adventure Caving in Stick/Tomato cave. A 1-1/2 hr tour ending up taking 2-1/4 hrs
- Adventure Caving in Stick/Tomato cave. A 1-1/2 hr tour ending up taking 2-1/4 hrs

Friday - Back to Adelaide
Saturday - homework, then afternoon session at NRM
then to city, out playing pool with friends
Sunday - homework and pack
transfer to Merkels for next 5 weeks