Rotary Club of West Lakes

Stephanie A. Urchick

President-elect 2023-24
Rotary Club of McMurray
Pennsylvania, USA



Agenda - 2 July

meeting #2439


6:30 pm

RCWL Invocation

"We are proud members of Rotary International where we can serve our community and those needing help across the world.  We enjoy meeting together for meals and mutual service in the convivial company of other Rotarians and guests."
Apologies: Alan, Susan, Andrew, Rosie

Toast to the People of Australia 
International Toast 
Heads & Tails 

6:40 PM


President Scott: My Year & Committees

7:00 PM



7:20 PM


  • ntr
  • handing over to Steve!
  • getting online access sorted
Coming up
  • Photos from our recent Changeover Dinner are now available on the club website. 
  • Please note that our club website is currently under construction as we work on significant updates. In the coming weeks, you can expect an active and user-friendly site, featuring real-time updates and enhanced functionality to keep you better informed and involved. We want our website to engage the public, keep visitors informed about our projects and events, and invite people to learn more about Rotary or get involved.
  • Currently recruiting members for the Club Image and Communication Committee which goes beyond social media and online platforms.
  • Abby - new updates this week after her trip around Europe!
  • thanks to those who ran the Carousel and Bunnings BBQ on Monday
Coming up
  • NRM Family Fun Fair 20/21 July - please register
To do
  • Save the Date: Christmas Fun for Kids, Sunday 1 December
  •  ntr
  • ntr!
Coming up
  • ntr
To do
  • Any suggestions for the Environment Committee are always welcome
  • ntr
Coming up
  • "Health of the River" youth forum 23-27 September @ Calperum for Yr 9-10 students
    $800 per student
  • RYPEN applications are open until 14 October. Suitable for 14-17yo students. Cost is $425 pp.
    1-3 November. Please promote.
  • West Lakes Shore School end of year break-up BBQ Tuesday 3 December - save the date
To do
  • ntr

president's report

  • all hail President Scott!
Club visits or notices from visiting Rotarians
  • Andrew & Ros attended RC Henley Beach changeover
  • Scott & Ros attended RC Somerton Park changeover

the four way test


RI Theme:


The Magic of Rotary?


Monthly Committee - club image & communication

2  July - Tracey
9 July - tbc
16 July -  tbc
23 July - tbc
30 July - tbc
Upcoming Speakers
Jul 02, 2024
My year & Committees
Past Speakers
Jun 25, 2024
View entire list
Upcoming Events
Bunnings BBQ July
Bunnings Woodville
Jul 01, 2024
RCWL weekly meeting
Bartley Hotel
Jul 02, 2024 6:30 pm
District 9510 Changeover morning tea
Fogolar Furlan
Jul 07, 2024
10:00 am – 1:00 pm
RCWL weekly meeting
Bartley Hotel
Jul 09, 2024 6:30 pm
RCWL weekly meeting
Bartley Hotel
Jul 16, 2024 6:30 pm
NRM - Family Fun Fair
National Railway Museum
Jul 20, 2024 – Jul 21, 2024
RCWL weekly meeting
Bartley Hotel
Jul 23, 2024 6:30 pm
RCWL weekly meeting
Bartley Hotel
Jul 30, 2024 6:30 pm
Bunnings BBQ August
Bunnings Woodville
Aug 05, 2024
View entire list
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Member Birthdays
Barry Dixon
July 6
Brian White
July 26
Scott Anderson
July 30
Spouse Birthdays
Kerry Erasmus
July 1
Join Date
Stephanie Thorpe
July 1, 2010
14 years
Denis Ralph
July 2, 1999
25 years
Anthony Corbett
July 13, 2004
20 years
Advertisement for ClubRunner Mobile
Abby - tour of Europe
Hi Ros!
So sorry for the missed emails but I have been busy travelling Europe!
We started on the 12th of June in Milan before driving to Geneva Switzerland which was super pretty. We spent a few hours there before heading to the hotel.
The next day was a drive to Paris and a small amount of time in town. Our next day was our Paris day. We did a walking tour around the main areas, seeing the Notre Dame and the lourve, which we also went inside. We also were lucky enough to be able to go up the Eiffel Tower which was really cool.
The next day was a drive day. We stopped in Brussels for two hours to see the pretty town, before finishing our drive to Amsterdam. Amsterdam was a full day of touristing. We started with a bike tour, then a boat tour, then a 5D cinema which explained the city and the country. There was also a swing on the top of a building which was really cool! The Anne frank house was an experience that I don’t think any of us will forget.
From Amsterdam we had a long drive day, around 10 hours, to Berlin. Berlin was super interesting for me, we did a concentration camp just outside of the city called Sachsenhausen around 50km away from Berlin. We then saw the mall of Berlin which was pretty cool, finishing with a tour of the city by a local. Berlin is quite different than a lot of Europe because it was so heavily destroyed during the war it is quite modern compared to say Paris.
From Berlin we drove to Prague, which I have to say was one of my favourites of the trip. We started with a palace that had a whole little town inside pretty much, before heading to a walking tour to see the famous astronomical clock! Funnily enough our tour guide was an Australian lady!
From Prague we travelled to Slovakia for a quick stop in a really cute town, before spending our day in Vienna! Vienna was another favourite of mine. The town itself was stunning and the history behind it even more so. I met some more Aussies here who explained to us that their daughters were in London, and we explained that we were exchange students and these ladies gave us massive hugs claiming to be our pretend Aussie mums which was cute. I walked up the bell tower of st Stephen’s cathedral, around 342 steps, before we finished at the palace of Sisi which was stunning. That night there was a concert you could choose to attend which was stunning my gosh. There was an orchestra, opera and dancing all in one and it was so worth it.
Vienna turned into Budapest which had gorgeous white ‘palaces’ called fisherman’s bastion. Budapest was home to a deep fried pizza base called Langos. We also got to go to the thermal baths which was really cool. After the day, we had dinner in a wine cellar which had been turned into a historical restaurant with music and dancing and traditional foods of Hungary.
Hungary turned into a drive day, where we stopped in Slovenia to see  the Postojna Caves which were super cool, they even had a little train!
Travelling turned into Venice, where we had a walking tour followed by Gondolas! The gondolas where amazing.
And then Venice turned into time to leave, and say final goodbyes and good lucks to our other exchange students. Many tears where shed and hugs exchanged, saying goodbye to these people was difficult, we had all become super close in 17 days and it being the first and final time meeting them for a while made goodbyes super hard.
Our final drive was Venice to Milan, where we sang and played cards one final time before parting ways. 17 days, 11 counties and 55 new friends, what a journey.
I can’t imagine doing it with any other group and enjoying it quite as much. 
Rotary Grants - applications open
To Club Presidents-Elect, Secretaries-Elect, Foundation Chairs-Elect, Service Projects Chairs-Elect
For Info:  IPDG, DGE, DGN, District Secretary
Dear Rosie,
The District Rotary Foundation Committee is available to support you in your club role over the coming year. 
We will soon open the District Grants process (on 16 June). This allows clubs to access funds from The Rotary Foundation, which are generally provided on a 1:1 basis (although exceptions can be made). Funds are provided after the project has been completed and on reimbursement (although exceptions can be made to this). 
One criterion is that the project makes a difference in the community. This allows for International, Local, Community, or Vocational activity to be captured. It is even better if it can be aligned with an Area of Focus.
This year, we have a regular amount available in District Grants, and I expect all clubs to actively consider options to apply for a Rotary Foundation District Grant. Julie Irwin (RC Victor Harbor) is the Chair-Elect of the 
Rotary Foundation Grants Sub-Committee and will be the liaison for this process. Julie's phone number is 0409 080 051.
Applications will close on 23 August.
One of the qualifications to apply is to attend a Rotary Foundation Training Seminar. We will be holding one on 16 June (4pm) and another on 14 July (1pm) (links below), where one member from each applying club must be in attendance. Please send me an email if your club will be represented. If you are unable to attend these, there will be an online training module available on the district webpage from 16 June also, however, it is preferable for attendance at the Zoom training.
If your club cannot attend, please let me know. I am happy to hold a weeknight session the following week to accommodate the largest number. We may also record one of the weekend sessions for future use for those who cannot join us.
This is a reminder that if you still need to contribute this Rotary year, please do so soon so it can be captured in this year's figures (and it can make an impact as soon as possible). In three years, half of our contribution comes back to the district as District Designated Funds, of which half can be used for district grants.
Thank you,
Meals on Wheels
Port Adelaide Kitchen Roster
(Member to confirm attendance by 9.00 am on the day of their roster by calling 08 8447 5171)
 Meals on Wheels Roster  2024MondaysRound 4
  99 Baynes Place, cnr Langham Place, adj Rail Station Glen
Please phone 8447 5171 by 9-00am on the day to confirm attendance  
Contact Katrina        0419 284  
Otherwise use cab and charge to West Lakes Rotary Club Inc   
  PO Box 7287    
  WEST LAKES 5021    
2024 ROSTER    
JULY8Stephen Hay    
 22Andrew De Garis    
AUGUST5Ken Parcell    
 19Ros De Garis    
SEPT2Len Loechel    
 16Ted Manka    
 30Yvonne Wilson    
OCTOBER14Andrew De Garis    
 28Ros De Garis    
NOVEMBER11Ken Parcell    
 25Ted Manka    
DECEMBER9Len Loechel    
 23Yvonne Wilson    
RESERVES Ted Manka0414 978 454   
  Len Loechel0423 981 474   
  Andrew De Garis0408 803 421   
Members on leave
Please update at front of Events Folder
- Sue
- Steve & Barbara
- Yvonne
- tbc
Meeting Chair - Committees

July:                Club Image & Communication

August:           tbc

September:     tbc

October:          International & Foundation?

- banners (pre & post meeting)
- name tags
microphone, collect from Bar. Ensure that volume level is set at least to 75, and test inside meeting room.
Meet and greet Guest Speaker, arrange for introduction, introduce to other members
- Arrange meal for Guest speaker, cost to the RCWL account (so that Len can pay later on)
Chair meeting
- manage timeliness
- organise meal delivery
Arrange Sergeant At Arms (as appropriate)
Liaise with President to close meeting.
ClubRunner - how to use the mobile App
ClubRunner is a program used by Rotary worldwide to manage stories, minutes, documents, photos and membership information.
You can access via the web from a computer, but there is also an Application (App) that can be loaded onto a mobile device (phone, tablet etc).
Accessing the App provides a wealth of information at your fingertips.
the following link takes you to a presentation which is a step-by-step process to load and use the App
If you do not know your Username, please have a look at the front page inside the Events Folder - there is a list of all RCWL usernamessmiley
RCWL QR codes
The QR code will take you to our website! You will see latest stories and photos from member activities.
Can't access ClubRunner? Andrew sent you an email with brief instructions of how to log-in. See him if you're having problems, he can reset your password.
Executives & Directors
Public Officer
Club Image
Immediate Past President
Rotary Foundation
International Service
Community Service
Environment Projects
Membership & Fwd Planning
Child Protection Officer
Youth Service
Bulletin Editor
Interested in being a sponsor?
Download the website sponsorship guide
Club Information
Welcome to our Club!
Seize The Moment To Contribute
Tuesdays at 6:30 pm
Bartley Hotel
Bartley Terrace
West Lakes Shore, SA 5020
0455 176 946
District Site Icon
District Site
Venue Map
Venue Map
 Please add to your safe sender list or address book.
To view our privacy policy, click here.
102-2060 Winston Park Drive, Oakville, ON, L6H 5R7