"We are proud members of Rotary International where we can serve our community and those needing help across the world. We enjoy meeting together for meals and mutual service in the convivial company of other Rotarians and guests."
Apologies: Alan, Susan, Sue, Denis, Bob, Scott
Toast to the People of Australia
International Toast
Heads & Tails
6:40 PM
Barbara Hay - Continuous Glucose Monitors
7:10 PM
7:30 PM
Bunnings BBQ Monday 5Aug netted $872
Coming up
Member Fees for 2024/25 – the Board had determined the fees for membership to our Club.
Members would have received an email with invoice.
As at 5 Aug, 33% paid
Pay full year single payment: $230 (receive $10 discount) payable by 31 Aug
Pay half year, 2 instalments of $120 (payable by 31 Aug, then in Jan 2025)
As at 5 Aug, 33.4% paid
It has been a quiet week for our online platforms. Please send any newsworthy information or photos to Tracey.
Christmas Fun for Kids committee meeting @ 5pm before meeting.
Semaphore Carousel 10/11 August - please check folder
NRM Sunday 25 August - opening of Port Dock Station
Weekend Bunnings BBQ - Sat 21 September just confirmed!
To do
Christmas Fun for Kids, Sunday 1 December
District Grant
Suggestions now received on needs from Semaphore SLSC and CHATS to prepare potential applications for District Grants. Applications are required by the 23rd August.
Semaphore SLSC requires CPR dummies to be used for training purposes, primarily juniors. Total price is within the proposed budget.
CHATS has suggested an Upright Freezer, which is priced within the proposed budget.
Club will continue our support of RARE (DIK) through Volunteer days and a Donation towards their costs. Possible RARE volunteer day at Edinburgh on a Saturday in late November.
Coming up
- following up with members who have not done “My Life My Job” talks.
- Please check the folder for the Tennyson Dunes Open Day Sunday 20 October, we will be doing a BBQ .
- Also looking to collect empty plastic fruit containers to help with an upcoming project.
To do
Any suggestions for the Environment Committee are always welcome
Waiting on responses from West Lakes Shore, Seaton High
Coming up
Meeting with Westport Primary @12 August
Still to set up meet'n'greet with LeFevre High
RYPEN applications are open until 14 October. Suitable for 14-17yo students. Cost is $425 pp.
1-3 November. Please promote.
To do
West Lakes Shore School end of year break-up BBQ Tuesday 3 December
president's report
Club speaker survey Have had 10 responses so far. I will leave it open one more week and report back next week. If you haven't filled it out yet please use the link below: https://forms.gle/rN5iJ5zD7A9yCcCo9
If you are having trouble filling it out, please email me and I will manually enter your response.
Expressions of interest for 50 year Anniversay Committee
If you wish to be involved in the 50 year Anniversary Committee, or even one aspect of the planning (events, history, etc) please let me know
Guest Speakers
Any ideas for guest speakers, let me know. I'm happy to contact and organise.
So sorry for the big break between emails again, I have been busy experiencing an Italian summer!
Also I think I forgot to say in my last email, but I would love the contact of the other girl from Adelaide who went to Italy last year for exchange.
So, Italian summer. It’s been so much fun.
For this month after my Eurotour I have been in Sanremo, in Liguria. Here you can find the Mediterranean Sea, except the exact section is called the Ligurian sea.
The water, some days, is super clear and always fairly warm. Some days after a big blow up at night there’s heaps of seaweed and it’s all churned up, but the same thing happens everywhere.
Something different about the beaches here though is that majority of them require payment for entry. And then further payment for a sunbed.
Lucky for me, my host family has a spot at a beach called La Brezza, around 3km from our house, so we ride our bikes. This spot at the beach comes complete with a little cabin I suppose. It is enough for towel storage and there’s a shower, shelves, other things.
I have spent almost everyday, minus maybe 2, at the beach this month.
I also celebrated my 6 months on Saturday!
I was soooo lucky, I spent it with my host family who got me sailing lessons which I am super grateful for.
We also did a little tour of old Sanremo which was very pretty, a little bit dirty but you can see how it would have been when it first originated ages ago. Then we drove to Bussana Vecchia, a small abandoned town nearby. It was abandoned in the 1800’s if I ever correctly, and now there are little shops and cafes there. To top off my day of exploring, I made my host family a Thai green chicken curry which they really liked (and so did I!).
We’ve also been doing some time on the family’s boat, we normally head for about 40 minutes north west, where you find (drum roll please) France, and a view of Monaco! It’s so cool to me that I can get on the boat and see Monaco, France and even swim in French water which is always super cool and clear. Haven’t tried fishing yet, but hopefully soon!
On Monday (still today for me!) I started my sailing course! I was a little nervous starting out, but it was super fun. I was in a laser 16 with 2 boys who were very helpful. There wasn’t a lot of wind today so we got towed out, did a little bit of sailing, swam, and got towed back in.
I also did a surf course today, which was super fun but I was not very good. My host sister did it with me, and she was super good!
The Club applied for a District Grant (1:1 support) to improve the coverage of Automated External Defibrillators (AED's) in our local community.
The original intent of the project was to install Tracking Technology on AEDs. The Heart of The Nation (HoTN) mobile phone application allows the user to find an AED in close proximity.
However, Heart of The Nation (HoTN) now includes the potential for “crowd sourced” registration of existing AEDs so they can be seen on the HoTN App.
Numerous trials to register existing AED's failed, with significant effort to register at least 6 AEDs in the local community, however without success to date.
As an alternative, the Club approved the purchase of a new AED and installed into the local shopping centre (Bartley Terrace Shopping Centre).
This AED can now be seen on the HoTN app!!!
An intrepid trio from the Club did some ground work to get everything moving.
Westy contacted a mate of his who works for the company that provides AED's to industry - we got a favourable price.
Len made contact with shop owners in the Bartley Terrace Shopping Centre, and then with the Centre management to get their approval for the installation.
Barry provided much-needed support and organisation skills to bring an idea into action!
So a mini-working bee was organised, the AED collected and installed.
A logo, QR code made into a sign and pasted on the cabinet finished the job.
Ahhh, also the District Grant paperwork had to be done and returned to the District Foundation Grant Chair, this all had to be done before 30 June 2024.
The payment was in our account within a couple of days.
To Club Presidents-Elect, Secretaries-Elect, Foundation Chairs-Elect, Service Projects Chairs-Elect
For Info: IPDG, DGE, DGN, District Secretary
Dear Rosie,
The District Rotary Foundation Committee is available to support you in your club role over the coming year.
We will soon open the District Grants process (on 16 June). This allows clubs to access funds from The Rotary Foundation, which are generally provided on a 1:1 basis (although exceptions can be made). Funds are provided after the project has been completed and on reimbursement (although exceptions can be made to this).
One criterion is that the project makes a difference in the community. This allows for International, Local, Community, or Vocational activity to be captured. It is even better if it can be aligned with an Area of Focus.
This year, we have a regular amount available in District Grants, and I expect all clubs to actively consider options to apply for a Rotary Foundation District Grant. Julie Irwin (RC Victor Harbor) is the Chair-Elect of the
Rotary Foundation Grants Sub-Committee and will be the liaison for this process. Julie's phone number is 0409 080 051.
Applications will close on 23 August.
One of the qualifications to apply is to attend a Rotary Foundation Training Seminar. We will be holding one on 16 June (4pm) and another on 14 July (1pm) (links below), where one member from each applying club must be in attendance. Please send me an email if your club will be represented. If you are unable to attend these, there will be an online training module available on the district webpage from 16 June also, however, it is preferable for attendance at the Zoom training.
If your club cannot attend, please let me know. I am happy to hold a weeknight session the following week to accommodate the largest number. We may also record one of the weekend sessions for future use for those who cannot join us.
This is a reminder that if you still need to contribute this Rotary year, please do so soon so it can be captured in this year's figures (and it can make an impact as soon as possible). In three years, half of our contribution comes back to the district as District Designated Funds, of which half can be used for district grants.
The QR code will take you to our website! You will see latest stories and photos from member activities.
Can't access ClubRunner? Andrew sent you an email with brief instructions of how to log-in. See him if you're having problems, he can reset your password.