"We are proud members of Rotary International where we can serve our community and those needing help across the world. We enjoy meeting together for meals and mutual service in the convivial company of other Rotarians and guests."
International report:
Heads & Tails
guest speaker - Sue lockwood
Coming up
Need ideas of who to donate our fundraising to?
See Board members.
Nothing to report this week
Wrapping up Christmas Fun for Kids discussions with Sponsors, preparing report for City of Charles Sturt and finalising accounts.
Coming up
next Carousel is Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 January
note extended times 1100 - 2200
propose 4 shorter shifts rather than 3 long ones WE REQUIRE MORE VOLUNTEERS PLEASE
next Bunnings BBQ on Monday 3 February Please update Events Folder
To do
District Grant
Working through items for purchase are still required by each group.
International Playground relocation project
Coming up
Have found that Nescafe a have a recycle program for their coffee pods. Nespresso pods can go back to the Nespresso store. For the Dolce Gusto pods these can be collected and posted to a company that will recycle the pods. So I am going to collect these as we use them at my work. I will be happy to take any of these pods from members and or their family. As an incentive to participate in this recycle program can earn points with the final result a money donation to a selected non-profit organisation.
Still looking to follow up with the drycleaner in regards to blanket revolution, program.
To do
Any suggestions for the Environment Committee are always welcome
Coming up
School holidays
To do
Continue to attempt engagement with LeFevre High and Seaton High Schools.
gym, run(ning), before school restarts in 1 week!
have received timetable already...
Any ideas for guest speakers, let Barbara know.
president's report
welcome back!
Club visits or notices from visiting Rotarians
The 2025 District Conference is different this year.
Called the Multi District Impact Summit, in conjunction with D9800, Melbourne & environs
Dates are 16, 17 & 18 May @ Morphettville Racecourse
We are considering a Club BBQ and how we might meet up with another Club(s). Suggestions welcome.
Ros is on the Committee.
Volunteer Grants recognise the valuable role volunteers play in building more resilient and cohesive communities. Grants of between $1000 and $5000 are available to help community organisations to support their volunteers.
This year, changes have been made to the Volunteer Grants program to better respond to our government’s commitment to children and young people.
There are now two categories for Volunteer Grants which reflect areas of high demand for volunteer organisations:
Category 1: for communications and IT items (such as laptops, phones, payment devices and software), and paying for insurance premiums.
Category 2: for items and services that support the development and well-being of children and young people under 18.
These changes mean Volunteer Grant funding will be more targeted to where it is needed most.
Club members would be aware that we have been successful in the recent past with these volunteer grants
$1,900 portable car fridge freezer, Stanley moving trolley
$2,500 new gazebos, esky, banners and tables
As discussed at our last meeting, the intent was to apply for IT related equipment, as outlined in Category 1 above.
The following submission was made on Thursday 16 Jan (deadline Fri 17 Jan).
Total funds applied for $4,800
We will not know if we are successful with our EOI until about November, at which time we would have to prepare a more detailed proposal.
If successful with that submission, we wouldn't find out until about Jan 2026, with funds most likely available in Feb/Mar 2026!
"How will the grant benefit the community.
The Club holds a number of internal and external events, to entertain and support the local community where Public Address (PA) systems are required. Hiring of equipment becomes increasingly expensive, and the ability to run ad-hoc events is compromised when PA cannot be organised/hired in time. Often PA systems at meeting venues are inadequate.
A portable PA system ($2,024 incl 2 wireless mics, assuming 10% off list price) will address these issues, and may also have the ability to provide a Hearing Loop or similar technology that can be utilised by those with hearing difficulties.
To remain viable, and maintain our presence in the Community, the Club also needs to attract and retain members.
In a digital age, the majority of our communication and advertising is electronic. Rather than rely on members’ own devices/software we require that the Club laptop (recently acquired through the SA State Government surplus equipment program) is loaded with appropriate software. The software to be purchased is likely to include the MicroSoft 365 suite of programs (Powerpoint, Word, Outlook, Teams) to enable effective communication and marketing. Presentations in particular are a useful method to engage with the community.
Additionally, the Club uses:
A contemporary accounting package to manage budgets, community fundraising account and financial governance; and
a Rotary specific software application which includes: web design/management, volunteer management, Club administration/newsletters, photo and other marketing portals to reach out to members and the community.
Subscriptions for the above software packages are in the vicinity of $925 per year. The submission includes 3 years of subscriptions ($2,775)."
Four Rotary International exchange Students returned to Adelaide on Sunday 12 January. Meeting up in Doha from Germany, Denmark, Sweden and Italy (all girls)!
There were family, school friends, Rotarians and host parents in attendance, waiting until the very last passengers to be let out of Customs.
Our Abby seemed to be in good spirits, despite the lengthy transit.
Milan - final squash and weigh in of bags
6 hrs to Doha
5 hr transit
13 hrs to Adelaide, although having thoughts of turning around before hitting the coast
The QR code will take you to our website! You will see latest stories and photos from member activities.
Can't access ClubRunner? Andrew sent you an email with brief instructions of how to log-in. See him if you're having problems, he can reset your password.