End Polio Now

- What do you know about Polio?
- What is Rotary’s involvement? I thought we were close to eradicating Polio, so
- why is there a resurgence?
- We don’t have Polio in Australia (do we?), so why should I worry about eradication elsewhere?
All good questions.
Rotary International started the End Polio Now (EPN) initiative in 1979. The initial success of a trial in the Philippines led the World Health Organisation to take over the running of the End Polio campaign on a worldwide basis in 1985.
Rotary is still actively involved at all levels:
- Board level with WHO
- Internationally through advocacy and fund raising
- Area and Country level assisting project teams, lobbying Governments, Councils, liaising and organising
- Club level in fundraising and raising awareness amongst the community.
What about the recent news in Gaza?
Following the recent environmental detections and paralytic case of variant polio in Gaza, the World Health Organization, UNICEF and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees are coordinating a vaccination campaign with the Palestinian Ministry of Health to prevent further transmission of the disease.
An agreement has been reached for three separate, zoned three-day pauses in fighting in Gaza to allow for the vaccination of 640,000 children against polio.
The vaccination campaign launched last weekend, and on day one, 513 teams reached 86,683 children with polio vaccines across 143 sites. While this campaign will provide some protection, the risk of an outbreak spreading is extremely high if the devastation to Gaza’s infrastructure caused by the ongoing conflict continues.
World End Polio Day is 24 October
How can your Club help?
- Ensure your Club has an annual goal to fundraise for EPN
- Every member to donate
$5 per year, month, week or day…..anything- A$5 (US$3) provides one dose of vaccine to location
- Have a donation can/bucket at every Club event
- Encourage joining the PolioPlus Society
- Commitment of A$100 pa until Polio is eradicated
- Encourage friends/anyone to donate
To book an EPN talk for your Club or Area,
contact Andrew De Garis on degaris1961@gmail.com
Interested in being a sponsor?
Download the website sponsorship guide
Download the website sponsorship guide