RYPEN - Rotary Youth Program of Enrichment

Rotary Youth Program of Enrichment (RYPEN) provides a group of young people aged 14-17 an opportunity to develop self-awareness and valuable leadership skills. This weekend long program will see the youth engage with like-minded people, while having fun and learning new skills in areas such as problem solving and public speaking. On top of learning these skills, RYPEN gives young people a chance to put them to practical use, through debate and physical activity.
RYPEN -Rotary Youth Program of Enrichment
https://www.rypen9510.org/ Contact: Helen Marshall ryla@rotary9510.org
Adelaide Metro RYPEN
PROGRAM DATES Fri 29th - Sunday 31st August 2025
APPLICATIONS CLOSE: Monday 28th July 2025
COST TO CLUBS: $440 ($415 for subsequent applicants sponsored by the same club) Applicants complete online application & pay $30. This is fully refundable if student withdraws application by 15th July
VENUE: Nunyara Conference Centre, Belair
Interested in being a sponsor?
Download the website sponsorship guide
Download the website sponsorship guide