Blowfly Corner
Serves: 2
Prep Time: 10 min. 
Cook Time: 10 min.


200 gms

Plain flour

2 tbsp

Caster sugar

1 tbsp

Baking powder

Pinch of


320 mls






1. Mix flour, sugar, baking powder and salt together in a bowl
2. Heat milk sightly then whisk in egg, vanilla and butter then whisk into the flour mix until it is a smooth batter
3. Heat a low sided fry pan or skillet then oil base slightly 
4. Pour batter into pan to form a 150 mm cake and cook till edges look dry and small bubbles form in cake -- about 2 minutes
5. Flip over and cook for about the same time on the other side. 
 6. Serve with berries, banana, cream, cream, icecream or whatever combination suits your fancy.